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ANALYTIC NETWORK PROCESS: Mengevaluasi Kinerja Organisasi Berdasarkan Fuzzy ANP: Kasus Rumah Sakit Taiwan. E03 ANP

An approach of organizational performance measurement and its computing algorithm is proposed in this paper. This work presents an ANP-based approach to resolve the uncertainty and imprecision of service evaluations during prenegotiation stages, where the comparison judgments of a decision maker are represented as fuzzy triangular numbers. A novel fuzzy prioritization method, which derives crisp priorities from consistent and inconsistent fuzzy comparison matrices, is also proposed. The FANP-based decision-making method to construct an evaluation method can provide decision makers in related medical sectors or hospital administrators with a valuable reference for either evaluating the organizational performance of hospitals to identify the most appropriate hospitals for collaboration or investing in nearby stores of interest such as pharmacies or health food stores. Importantly, the proposed model can assist the medical sector to assess the organizational performance of hospitals, making it highly applicable for academia and commercial purposes.

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