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ANALYTIC NETWORK PROCESS: Untuk penentuan metode pengiriman yang paling sesuai untuk pembuatan semikonduktor. E09 ANP

Most of the semiconductor manufacturers resort to production dispatching as a means to enhancing production efficiency. Commonly used dispatching methods are designed to meet a specific performance indicator, but performance indicators frequently change with variances of shop floor and actual demands. Few methods take multiple or even conflicting performance indicators into account. How to verify the rules of various dispatching methods and their impacts on the production performance indicators should be clarified. This paper applies Analytical Network Process (ANP) method to construct a dispatching rules evaluation model to explore the relationship among various performance indicators and dispatching rules. The results indicate that the most suitable dispatching method for semiconductor manufacturing is EDD dispatching method. FIFO dispatching method yields the worst performance. The ANP-based dispatching rule evaluation model can surely serves as an analytical architecture for decision making to dynamically evaluate dispatching rules for multiple performance indicators in the future.

Keyword: Semiconductor manufacturing, Dispatching rules, Analytical network process

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